The Rich Young Man

The Rich Young Man

Mark 10:17-31

By: Tara young

I’m a rich man check it out.  But what Jesus just told me really freaked me out.

I ran up to the guy, Hoping my salvation to buy.

He told me to sell all I had and I was like, “Dude that’s just too bad.”

Sell all my land my loot? That is tough. It’s mine you see I have just enough.

A camel? A needle? Say what? How true. It’s easier for that camel to make it through.

A needle’s eye? That ain’t no lie. Than for this young guy…something I can’t buy.

Well, Heaven I guess I don’t need it that bad. I’ll stay a fine rich young lad.

We all have a choice to make. It isn’t something we can fake.

Salvation is God’s gift for us. It’s free! It’s free! Oh what a plus.

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